android profiling image libraries the winner

In the android profiling image libraries the winner tutorial we find out which android image loading library is best for the recyclerview grid gallery.

At the beginning of this activity I was not sure if they would be enough differences to point to one clear winner best suited for the android recyclerview grid gallery. But for my particular application there was.

One point to note is that these are actively maintained libraries so I results I have observed are for just one moment in time, this is especially true for any suspected bugs or issues which one would be expected to be fixed in the future.

This post is going to be broken into different types of criteria and judging which library best or not as the case may be.


Android image loading library setup

How much effort required in setting up & configuring the library

I’ve not included installation because all the libraries support grade dependencies which plugin into android studio nicely.

  1. Glide
  2. Picasso
  3. Universal Image Loader
  4. Fresco


android memory monitor profile on fresco image loading library

Android studio memory monitor

  1. Glide
  2. Universal Image Loader, Picasso
  3. Fresco

GPU Rendering

android GPU rendering tool

Device GPU Render

  1. Universal Image Loader
  2. Picasso
  3. Glide
  4. Fresco

Observed Issues

android image loading libraries bugs

Observation of unexpected behaviour

  1. Picasso & Fresco – no issues
  2. Glide – Partial image overlay
  3. Universal Image Loader – Concurrency & Performance application not responding dialog box.


android best image loading library

Preferred library for the recyclerview grid gallery

So what would be my choice of image loading library for a RecyclerView grid gallery which would be expected to load over 100 full sized images, the answer is clear it goes to Picasso.


Picasso image loading library


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