Introduction The Android media viewer read permission tutorial series describes how to implement permission to access external read storage for both marshmallow devices and older. Get Code The code can be found on github from the following instructions below Tag media-viewer-permissions or you can run this command git clone –branch media-viewer-permissions This video describes how […]
Read moreIn the android profiling image libraries the winner tutorial we find out which android image loading library is best for the recyclerview grid gallery. At the beginning of this activity I was not sure if they would be enough differences to point to one clear winner best suited for the android recyclerview grid gallery. But […]
Read moreIn this review we spend time profiling universal image loader library using the traceview, memory monitor & GPU render profiling tools. Results TRACEVIEW In comparison with the other libraries we observed more than one thread pool with each pool consisting of three threads. At some stages the threads in each pool were executing at the […]
Read moreIn this review we spend time profiling android fresco loader library using the traceview, memory monitor & GPU render profiling tools. Results TRACEVIEW Here we observe four background threads loading the image files with no noticeable pauses in the UI thread. It was noted that scrolling performance was good compared with the other image loading libraries. MEMORY […]
Read moreIn this review we spend time profiling android picasso loader library using the traceview, memory monitor & GPU render profiling tools. Results TRACEVIEW Here we observe three background threads all running at the same time resulting in much quicker image loading. Also note the lack of significant spaces in the main ui thread which translates into […]
Read moreIn this review we spend time profiling android glide loader library using the traceview, memory monitor & GPU render profiling tools. Results TRACEVIEW Here we observe four background threads all running at the same time resulting in much quicker image loading. Also note the lack of significant spaces in the main ui thread which translates […]
Read moreIn this review we spend time profiling android recyclerview grid gallery using the traceview, memory monitor & GPU render profiling tools. Results TRACEVIEW From this chart we can observe that a android AsyncTask has been used to handle the bitmap loading which is not the best method for this type of application. Note the gaps […]
Read moreThis tutorial explains how to setup the android camera2 api recyclerview onclick position so we can find the location of the image file. Get Code The code has been uploaded to github here TAG camera2-recyclerview-onclick or else you can run this command git clone –branch camera2-recyclerview-onclick Code Samples Create the interface file RecyclerViewClickPositionInterface package […]
Read moreThis tutorial describes how to create an android recyclerview grid gallery by converting the original single column gallery to multiple columns. CODE AVAILABLE ON GITHUB You can get the code from here and then you need to Tag multi-column-gallery or else you can run this command git clone --branch multi-column-gallery CODE SAMPLES activity_camara_intent.xml <RelativeLayout xmlns:android="" xmlns:tools="" […]
Read moreWe return to the origins of this tutorial series and call the android picasso image resize feature. If this is not used picasso will load the full images. Which will have an obvious impact on the scrolling speed of the android recyclerview image gallery. CODE AVAILABLE ON GITHUB You can download the code from github […]
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